CIGI API Version 2.7.1 
CIGI API : Users' Guide
Using the API : Outgoing Messages

Outgoing Messages

Packets are added to the outgoing CIGI message through the API. When the application is ready to send the outgoing message, it will obtain the address of the packed message buffer from the API and is responsible for sending it. Note that the size of the buffer is fixed when the session is created. The application however, does not need to send the entire buffer, but only the number of bytes that make up the CIGI message. In other words, there may be extra room at the end of the outgoing buffer, and it does not need to be sent.

Figure 6 - Creating an Outgoing CIGI Message

Packets are added to the outgoing message buffer one at a time. The API must be notified when starting a new outgoing messages or when ending the current message so that it can send it. The application should start an outgoing message before adding packets to it, and the API assumes that there is a current outgoing message started and that it has not ended yet. A message must be ended before it is sent.

All of the methods to add packets to the outgoing message have the same general form of: CigiAddPacketXXX(). This can be seen in the prototype for adding an IG Control packet.

int CigiAddPacketIGCtrl( const int sessionid, const CIGI_IG_CONTROL* packet );

The sessionid argument indicates the ID received when the session is created using CigiCreateSession(), and the packet argument is a pointer to the packet to add to the outgoing message. The data contained in the packet is copied into the outgoing message buffer and the pointer value of the packet is not kept by the API after the function returns.

Starting and Ending the Outgoing Message

The API must be notified when outgoing messages start and end, and packets should only be added while there is a current message. Generally, there will be exactly one outgoing message per start-of-frame. At a regular and interval, the IG should send a message each time it is starting a frame to display. In response, the host should send a message back to the IG with the contents of the display for that frame. Thus, there should be a one-to-one relationship between incoming and outgoing messages for both the host and the IG.

The prototypes for the CigiStartMessage() and CigiEndMessage() functions are as follows.

int CigiStartMessage(const int sessionid); int CigiEndMessage(const int sessionid);


Adding Packets to the Outgoing Message

The outgoing message for an IG should always contain a CIGI_START_OF_FRAME packet as the first packet, and will ultimately controls the timing of the message delivery (at the start of each frame). In response, the host application is expected to respond immediately with a CIGI message containing the data to display on the next frame. Host messages should always contain a CIGI_IG_CONTROL packet as the first packet in the message.

Figure 7 - First Packet for Host and IG Messages

The CigiEndMessage() function for ending a message will return an error code if a CIGI_START_OF_FRAME packet has not been added to an outgoing IG message, or if a CIGI_IG_CONTROL packet has not been added to an outgoing host message. These packets do not necessarily have to be added first, since the API will place these packets at the start of the outgoing message. If multiple CIGI_START_OF_FRAME or CIGI_IG_CONTROL packets are added, the previous message will be overwritten and only the packet added last will appear at the beginning of the outgoing message.

Example 3
/* begin a new outgoing message */ CigiStartMessage( nSessionId); /* add packets to the outgoing message */ CigiAddPacketIGCtrl( nSessionId, pIGControl); CigiAddPacketEntityCtrl( nSessionId, pEntityControl); CigiAddPacketComponentCtrl( nSessionId, pComponentControl); /* end the message */ CigiEndMessage( nSessionId);

Note: The packets added in between calls to CigiStartMessage() and CigiEndMessage() will not necessarily be included in that message. If the total size of all packets added exceeds the size of the message buffer, packets will be added to back buffers, if there is any room is available. The packets will be included in those messages instead. For a discussion on how packets are queued for subsequent messages, see the message buffering example.

If all back buffers are full with queued packets, the function called to add the packet will return an error code.

Sending the Outgoing Message

The application is responsible for sending outgoing messages. Before sending the data, the CigiSyncFrameCounter() message should be called. This will perform the following action.
  • For IG sessions, it increments the internal frame counter and sets the frame counter in the CIGI_START_OF_FRAME packet to this value.
  • For host sessions, it sets the frame counter in the CIGI_IG_CONTROL packet to the frame counter value received in incoming message buffer.
    note: For this method to function properly for host sessions, the incoming message buffer must have been set with the last incoming message received so that the proper frame counter is copied.

The prototype for the CigiSyncFrameCounter() function is as follows.

int CigiSyncFrameCounter(const int sessionid);

The sessionid argument is the ID returned from CigiCreateSession(). When the message is ready to be sent, call the CigiGetOutgoingMsgBuffer() function to obtain the outgoing message.

int CigiGetOutgoingMsgBuffer( const int sessionid, unsigned char **buffer, int *size /* number of bytes to be sent */ );

The sessionid argument is the ID returned from CigiCreateSession(). The buffer argument is the address of the buffer pointer which will be set to the outgoing buffer. The size argument is size, in bytes, of the outgoing message. Only the number of bytes equal to size needs to be sent. This is illustrated in the following example.

Example 4 : Sending the Outgoing Message
/* the incoming message buffer has already been set... */ int nSize = 0; unsigned char* pBuffer = NULL; /* the API will set the outgoing frame counter */ CigiSyncFrameCounter( nSessionId); CigiGetOutgoingMsgBuffer( nSessionId, &pBuffer, &nSize); /* hypothetical method... */ int nBytesSent = SendDataToIG( pBuffer, nSize); ...
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