CIGI API Version 2.7.1 
CIGI API : Users' Guide
Using the API

API Usage

The API must be initialized before use, through a call to the CigiInit() function. This should be done during the initialization of the application, and before any other API function is called. The prototype for the function is as follows.

int CigiInit( const int maxsessions, const int minver ); int CigiUninit(void);

The maxsessions argument indicates the maximum number of sessions that will be created by the application, and is not to exceed the constant value CIGI_MAX_SESSIONS defined by the API. Because the memory allocated to store each session is created during initialization, it is best not to exceed the number of sessions which the application will use, if known. Although the memory to store references to the sessions is allocated, the memory associated with each session is not allocated until the call to CigiCreateSession() is made. For more information on creating sessions, please refer to the session below on sessions.

The minver argument indicates the minimum value of CIGI that the application requires in order to operate. Note that this value is must be an integer, so versions such as 2.2 are not allowed.

The CigiUninit() function closes all open sessions, and releases the memory allocated by the API and sessions that were created. This should be done only when the application is completely finished using the API, typically during application shutdown.

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